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  • 🥕 5 Simple Rules of Business That'll Make You Rich!

🥕 5 Simple Rules of Business That'll Make You Rich!

🥕 Business is so f***ing easy.

Happy Saturday my Wise Carrot.

Let’s have a beautiful weekend where we learn, rest, play and spend time with our loved ones.

Strap in for this one!

🥕 5 Simple Rules of Business That’ll Make YOU Rich:

1. Take The Credit Card

One of the most common questions I hear is…

“John, how do I start my first business the right way?”

And my answer to this is “Well what problem/s can you solve in exchange for money, it’s not about getting it right the first time, it’s about validating what you thought could be a reality for you and turning it into exactly that”

The best way you can do this is first of all, look at who you’re trying to help, ask them what problems they have and which of those they NEED solving, then go away, create either a product or service that solves that specific set of problems in exchange for money.

2. Underpromise and Overdeliver

Now there are steps to this, so here are the steps broken down for you.

1. Find 1 clear problem that somebody has.
2. Offer a simple but super effective solution.
3. Then when it comes to delivering it, go above and beyond.
4. Doing that extra 10% will set you apart from everyone else.

The cool thing about doing these 4 steps, is that most of the time, your customers are so happy and grateful for you, they will often pay you more, give you a referral or even buy you a little gift to show their appreciation for you.

3. Simple Scales & Complexity Fails

The biggest mistake first time Entrepreneurs make is that they simply over-complicate shit. They think they have to have all of these fancy tech funnels, backend automations, 100 different services/products, be everywhere all of the time, running paid ads, doing organic business growth, going to events, blah blah blah, STOP.

Elon Musk has a principle in his business and that principle is that he always wants to remove this from the business requirements so that it allows him to make it more simple, not more complex.

Something that doesn’t need to be there, is something that exists that takes your time, energy and money away. If you really need it, you’ll realise when it’s gone and you can’t replace it.

Start with 1 customer
Start with one product or service
Start with one way to market your business
Start with one way of selling your offer

Focus on those 4 principles for 1 year.

4. Give to Get

This is something which most Entrepreneurs are often fearful about and operate which we like to call a “Scarcity Mindset”

If I were to tell you to go away and give all of your best kept secrets away to help solve your customers problems for free, how would that make you feel?

Pretty nervous and most likely anxious right?

“Well John, if I give everything away for free, how am I supposed to make money?

Listen to what I’m about to say here….

The more you give, the more you get.


Look to give to as many people as you can without the expectation of anything in return long enough and eventually you’ll have more eyeballs and opportunity on you than you’ll know what to do with.

5. Be Impeccable with Your Word.

If you say to somebody else that you’re going to do something, then DO IT.

If you seriously just went 90 days and followed through with everything you said that you’re going to do and actually do it, you’ll be in a completely different place in your life than you were 90 days ago.

You need to be able to trust yourself and build trust with those people who will give you leverage around you.

You have to be that person of success first before you actually see the success you want to see.

That’s all for now.

That’s all for now as I just want you to focus on these first 5 and implement the lessons starting from today. Next week I’ll be sharing the next 5 with you that’ll REALLY help you see tremendous growth in your personal life and business.

So with that being said…

You know what time it is right?


Random meme of the day:

Catch ya next week for 5 more key lessons…

/Wise Carrot/

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