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  • 🥕 3 life-changing money truths... 🌎

🥕 3 life-changing money truths... 🌎

Everyone wants money. The more the better.

Have you ever thought about how much money would make you happy?

🥕 3 Life-Changing Money Truths… 🌎

Whether you like it or not, you are programmed to feel a certain way about money. You may think it’s yucky, glorious, sleazy, sexy and everything in between. Here are 3 things that were life-changing for me once I realized them.

MONEY IS NOT EVIL. In fact, your belief that money is bad is what’s keeping you from realizing your full monetary potential.

Instead of believing how much it “turns people bad”, believe in the amazing things that money can do for you. It can help provide for your family and give you experiences in life you dream about. That’s just 2 examples of many.

The sooner you can “befriend” money, the sooner you’ll attract it into your life.

MONEY = POSITIVE ENERGY. The more I treat money as positive energy, the more of it I acquire. When you see it as the positive that it is, you really start blessing yourself and others.

Give a VERY generous tip next time you are out. Buy yourself something that you think is expensive, to treat yourself and have that abundance mindset.

Anytime a dollar leaves your wallet, have it go to something that either makes you or someone extremely happy.

MONEY SPECIFICS. There is nothing wrong with being materialistic, if it’s done in a healthy way. If you want to bless your family and your life, be as materialistic about it as you want to be!

But in order to do that, you need to get specific about how much money you actually need.

Have you ever done the $100m dream challenge?

Pretend that tomorrow you are waking up with $100m in your account. You get to start living the life you always wanted. You don’t need to hold back. What are the things you are buying in your first 6 months?

Go online and actually find the home. Actually find the car(s). Actually find the trips. How much are you giving to your close family, if any?

Count all that up and see how much you spent. Now you know your monetary goal. When you have this clear vision of it and know how much you need… The universe starts working behind the scenes to bring it to you.

Most of you will read this, close the email and move on with your day. No wonder you aren’t progressing.

Those who do these exercises, will get all the rewards that are coming.

Random meme of the day:

Catch ya Monday…

/Wise Carrot/

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